New Mp3 Organizer Pro version 3
FASTER, NICER with MORE functions
Gives you the best organizing experience yet!
FASTER, NICER with MORE functions
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version 3.0.4, (1.36 MB)
version 3.0.4, (1.36 MB)
MP3 Organizer PRO
is small, free and powerful MP3 organizing tool with over 100 different functions.

New graphical presentations of different bit rates, lyrics existence, active window, different styles of ticks to show you different information and overall look to help you visually as much as possible.
More than 64 different styles of printing CD covers. Front, back cover, add your own title for CD or your signature, number for every line, draw different borders, set different numbers of columns and this is just scratching the surface.

Use your favorite player or take advantage of build in player. Play part of the song from beginning, middle, end or just anywhere to recall the song you've been searching for.
Organize list by setting the correct case (one letter big, all big, just author, ...). Change those annoying separators to your preferred ones, and you can do this for files, list or even directories. Make filenames out of ID3 tags or make ID3 tags out of filenames. Exchange data between different ID3 tags versions.

Compare files to find duplicates, find some spelling or typing mistakes that you would normaly miss and much, much more !